Lourdes Diocese one week pilgrimage

Lourdes Diocese one week pilgrimage July/Aug 2024 – 50th   anniversary of the Diocese led pilgrimage. All our Parish youth school years 10-13 are encouraged to consider attending. We would also like all others in our parish to consider joining as able Helpers, medical support or pilgrims who may need support to attend. We will have a launch meeting in February to form a parish group of attendees and consider our Lent Fundraising which we plan to undertake to help pay towards our parish attendees. To have our own Redshirts/youth group in advance of going this year will be amazing so please do    consider it, we have three signed up already. If your children are younger their are family options also. Further details of the pilgrimage can be found on the Diocese website at ….(please can you insert link). To find out more about fundraising in our parish email [email protected] or text/call 07791627368.