Fr Rory Writes

Remembrance Sunday – Yes we will remember them.

Help, I need help.  It is a constant need.  In the wider wilder story of life it is easy to acknowledge.  A good example for me is when coming to England, my first introduction to Remembrance Sunday.   The Sunday liturgy was well prepared for this event.  The question always remains, “how to do what is best”.  A body made up of many parts working together is most helpful, since I have come here Deacon John has always been a big help.

A parish community working together is a most important criteria.  The Synod as it takes place has a great importance.  How we address the future life of our church is critical.  Our present situation, with the dire shortage of priests in our diocese, brings to my mind what is most critical.  The failure of our response to the 2nd Vatican Council.  As part of our seminary training, we were greatly inspired by the council.  It remains a source of great inspiration.  The Holy Spirit at work in the laity.

This week we had a very welcome visitor from our diocese, her name is Cathy Bergin.  She looks forward to helping us, as we had a very fruitful meeting with her and members of the parish council and children’s liturgy.  Soon we will be beginning a new year with the lighting of the first Advent Candle – the candle of hope.  I have real hope that the first shoots of our work are beginning to emerge and with God’s help will develop and grow.