Parish Charity Breakfast

Thank you to all who continue to support the last Sunday Charity breakfast at St George’s.  The October breakfast along with 50% of the months table sale has raised £124 for CAFOD.  Special thanks to Teresa’s friend Richard who offered to fill the role of chef and  enjoyed it so much he has volunteers to continue which is great. Him and his brother were also most welcomed at clear up doing some of the heavy work putting away all the tables.

When the idea of the breakfast developed over a year ago, it was always hoped it would be a full community event, not just for our Catholic parishioners.  We want to open our doors to all and so far it is proving to be just that.  If anyone has friends or family that may wish to attend future breakfasts do invite them along, it is open to all and a great way to socialise together and meet new   people on a Sunday morning.  The next breakfast will be held on Sunday November 26th at 10am in aid of Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.