Deacon John Writes

Earlier this week we had the Gospel about loaves and fishes. It includes the sentence “They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over – twelve wicker baskets full”. An article by Kristin Armstrong wrote about this saying that when she gets discouraged by having too much to do she asks God to “loaves-and-fishes her”. She agrees that this is not a grammatically correct prayer but she says that God always answers it. She realises that she is asking God to take what she can offer and work within her and increase her understanding and her capacity to serve and to show her love. God combines his abundance and limitless capacity and ensures that there is more than enough to go around. The best thing about this, she says, is that she is not spent or drained. She says she can take the pieces of her left overs and still have the energy for self-care, for gratitude, for creativity and for fun. She says “I am able to do without sacrificing my ability to be”.

I have found this useful during this week – perhaps you could try asking God to “loaves-and-fishes you” this coming week. I hope that prayer helps you if you do!

All my love to each and every one.