Deacon John Writes

Recently I found this article on the Internet. I share it with you as it gives one much to think about in our life choices and can encourage us.

“Former President Jimmy Carter often reflects on the changes he sees in people’s lives because of the work of Habitat for Humanity. “We see extraordinary commitments and lives changed among forgotten people,” he says. “A Habitat family that lived near Washington had been living in an abandoned automobile. One of their children was an eight-year-old boy. He was very excited about getting a new house. When the family was chosen, he jumped up and down and said, ‘We won, we won.’ After the home was finished and the family had moved in, the little boy attended a different school. He had always been in a slow learners’ class, but when he moved his records had been lost, and he was put into a regular class by mistake. No one noticed the error, and at the end of the first half of the year, his lowest grade was a B. Now he is still learning with the smartest of students. This is what having a decent home for the first time in life can do.” [From the book Living Faith, by Jimmy Carter, Random House (Audio Books, 1996).] — Now, you tell me. Was it the change of houses that made a difference, or did the way he was treated in the new school cause the boy to change his view of himself, freeing him to be who he really was? How we view ourselves is often reflected in the choices we make. If we have a positive view of ourselves, we will make positive choices. If we have a negative view of ourselves, then watch out! “

Have a good week and think about the choices you have made in the past. 

All my love to each and every one. DJ