Our Parish Children’s Liturgy Team

Our Parish Children’s Liturgy team would like to thank all our young children and their families who have joined us to regularly take part in the liturgy during 2022/23.  We are now taking a break over the summer but look forward to welcoming all the children back on Sunday 10th of September.  Please do continue when you can to attend our Church over the summer or if you are away perhaps you can send us a postcard bring back a souvenir you could tell us all about on your return. 

Our Parish Children’s liturgy runs weekly during both St George’s and St Wilfrid’s Sunday services during term time.  If you know any families who live locally and may like to join us do encourage them, we welcome everyone with a friendly smile, child friendly teaching of Gods Word, creative opportunities to demonstrate understanding and lots of    chances to have fun celebrating our faith with our friends.  For more information on Children’s Liturgy speak directly to any of the catechists or email Father Rory at the Parish Office for your details to be passed on to the team.