Fr Rory Writes

‘Beautiful Food’

Our outing on Monday morning to Staverton Nursery.  I really enjoyed their food, and I was very impressed by the way they run this enterprise.  What is on offer is excellent, top of the range with an almost limitless supply of trees, shrubs and flowers; although all quite expensive, so it is only those who are serious about their shopping are catered for.  There was not a lot of seats for lounging about, hence I was impressed with the food, I even had some left over for my supper.  If you wanted to socialise you would be better going to a restaurant.  So obviously when the fire destroyed the building they have re-scheduled it very purposefully.  We reduced our allocated time, and I truly      appreciated and enjoyed our outing.  Sincere thanks; as Annette did her mum proud by looking after us in the way that only Joan can do.

How about our own affairs, how fares our parish communities?  Two outstanding events.  First our Corpus Christi, sponsored walk, and then last week our young people who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at the       Cathedral.   Signed by the Holy Spirit, to rise as a new generation; backed up by all the hard work that has taken place over the last couple of years.  Our parish council is beginning to emerge, we can truly look forward to the work that they will do for our future.  My Sister Mary’s book “Love Speaks” provides more beautiful food, divine nourishment.

Margaret Nevill, when she returned the book she said “Thanks so much, Father; so well researched and beautifully written”.