Parish Sponsored Walk

A huge thank you to all who walked last Sunday and to all those who sponsored the walkers.  A really special thank you to everyone who contributed to the banquet and helped us set up/tidy away; so many good helpers.  Also, thank you to David for taking the photo’s.  These will be put onto the website once we have consent from parents.  Dennis had brought a collection of his mothers fans, and my they were put to good use, they will be on sale after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Hall. What a wonderful buzz of conversations, people meeting people they haven’t seen for some time, especially our over 50’s who came in for a natter.  The confirmation young people led the walk and had their last rehearsal in our church before being confirmed in Arundel Cathedral on 18th June.  We wish them well.  It was so lovely to see so many devoted young Catholics among us.  The future of our religion is assured with youngsters like them.  Hopefully this will become an annual event with us walking to St George`s next year.   Now it is the time for the walkers who have been sponsored to collect their donations.  Once collected please hand in to Jackie in the office or Jean on Wednesdays or Sundays at Mass at St Wilfrid’s. Mary will be collecting at St Georges.