Fr Rory Writes:

   The Instruction “Do This in Remembrance of Me”

Restoring reception of the precious blood from the Chalice.

This is a very personal decision for each person.  We are all very aware of the pandemic and the need to exercise   caution and care.  This remains an important part of our discernment. So it is right and must play its part in deciding our response.                                  

The fact that we can receive the precious blood is of great value and should be cherished, even if it is our decision not to receive from the chalice at this time.  It is an important part of The Last Supper when Jesus said “Do this in           remembrance of me”.  It was at the heart of the event that took place on the night he was betrayed when Jesus took bread and wine, blessed and broke it, so that hence forth it provides us with the divine nourishment that we receive. This helps us on our journey of life.

The introduction of the idea of it being a mortal sin if we do not receive is a grave mistake.  Key to everything is the nourishment we receive.  We are particularly aware that if we do not nourish our bodies we are at a loss.  In the same way it is so important that we continue to nourish our spirits while we journey on to the fullness of life in God’s kingdom.  Please God, we will restore ministry of the chalice on Wednesday, when we celebrate the mass of the Lord’s Supper.  Deacon John has offered his service to carry out this ministry for this event.