Fr Rory Writes

Again, help and more help needed.  Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the faith of thy womb, Jesus.

The good news, God’s salvation is our greatest gift.  How we share and how we celebrate this is our greatest hope for our future.  Yes, this needs a structure, but it needs to be fit for purpose.  I am aware that when I write liturgy of the word and of the eucharist, it is controversial.  For me the most important thing is that we nourish and strengthen our faith.

The structure for our parish council is now the most important contribution that we can make, and I am grateful for the work that is taking place.  This Sunday will be St George’s turn to discuss and to propose, and here at St Wilfrid’s after mass this Wednesday morning.  The implication will take time to fall into place, its priority will be most important.  If we get them right, actions speak louder than words and I look forward to our liturgies, obviously the rosary is important, but liturgies of the word and our actions, please God, will bear good fruit, fruit that will last.   Maintenance of our churches, including halls and gardens will be an important part of our contribution to give witness to our faith.  We are particularly blessed with our parish secretary, and I am very hopeful that we can look forward to our future.