When I look around the grounds and church I am truly blessed. Gratitude, especially to Lulu and all who help me in the churches is extremely helpful. I hope I can do better to help our parish to continue to develop and grow.
I have had to respond a lot to the needs of our time, and listening to people in real need who get in touch either calling at the door or on the phone, this has been demanding. Watching the news coming from the war and destruction that is happening in the Ukraine; after two years of the pandemic means that we are all more brittle, and living with greater stress. I am very blessed by all the help and support, and the Easter Services have been a great blessing. Following on our response to the Synod, our meeting on Tuesday evening was very encouraging. So let us continue to pray constantly and never lose heart.
What is truly incredible is this season of God’s grace. After the crucifixion of our Devine Lord, the early disciples i.e. the church was in a great state of confusion and distress. As the stories of the resurrection began to circulate there is a change. More stories emerge that begin to show them how they should respond. Let us too become more prepared to respond and progress as the Synod continues to happen. Soon we will be celebrating the Feast of the Ascension, and the time that follows is the greatest time in the whole year “When the day of Pentecost came the disciples were gathered”. At the time when I was ordained there was a great Pentecost Renewal and I had some great experiences a that time.
So please God, there will be a reawakening and renewal as we recover again after the pandemic. I look forward to the minutes of our parish meeting, hoping to see the initial development from seeds that were sown, alongside the other analogy of the fresh foundations that are being laid, so it is a truly important time and at the heart of it prayer. “Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and fill us with the fire of your love”.
To be continued.