Sponsored Walk

Last Sunday’s Sponsored Walk for Tiny Tickers was a great success. The sun shone down on 24 of us walking across the glorious South Downs. We had a picnic in Alfriston outside the church and then those who could did the return walk to Jevington, this time via The Long Man. Congratulations to all who took on the challenge, especially our youngest who were quite tired by the end.     So far, we do know that with the cake sale, lent lunch and walk sponsorship already has raised over £700 for Tiny Tickers which is superb and we thank everyone for their efforts, generosity and prayers. Babies born in East Sussex will benefit from these efforts. 

Now we wait to find out how much was raised, please can all walkers bring their sponsorship money in by Sunday 24th April. Also, if any parishioners still wish to sponsor the group we will be collecting after mass today. Gift aid is possible with the sponsorship form available.