SYNOD 2023 – Keeping Focused on Our Thanks

We are now in our fourth week of focusing on the Synod, and our thanks goes to all parishioners who have so far attended meetings and/or given their responses to the questionnaires.

A particularly special thank you goes to the children who have taken time to give us some very useful ideas.  

All the responses have been passed to the Diocese.

A final handout is being given to everyone this weekend. It includes one final question and the opportunity to further suggest how we as a Parish can improve and work together to make Our Church work for us all.  We encourage all of you to give us plenty of suggestions!

There is no need to give your name and we will prepare a summary of all your comments in a few weeks time.

If you missed any of the first three questionnaires, it’s not too late to complete them, there are spare copies at the back of Church. You can also request a copy by calling Jackie on 01323 841504 or email [email protected].

Once again, as well as providing Private Individual or Group responses to this week’s questionnaire, you are also invited and very welcome to attend either or both of the following group sessions being held for the Parish. 

Wednesday 9th February after 10am Mass – St Wilfrid’s Hall

Saturday 12th February 10am – St George’s Hall

Zoom – for those unable to attend our discussion groups weekly, we could organise a Zoom group. Please contact Bob Waters at [email protected] if you would be interested and like to take part in this, day/time to be confirmed.

Further information:

www.abdiocese/ – this includes the Diocese document and an online easy to use survey.  Even if you undertake this survey though, which we wholly encourage, please also take time to respond to the Parish survey.