Tea/Coffee at St Wilfrid’s

Tea/Coffee at St Wilfrid’s:  Did you know we are serving tea/coffee and biscuits/cakes after the 10.30am Mass every Sunday.  Do pop in and meet some new friends and get to know your parishioners, we are a very friendly lot and we welcome you.  There is an Honesty Pot if you would kindly make a donation to cover the cost of these refreshments.  Thank you.

We look forward to meeting you, also don’t forget our ‘Sales Table’ is up and running – plenty of bargains to be had.  Please leave suitable gifts for the table in the porch, marked ‘Sales Table’ please.  We are still hoping for someone to come forward to take on the very rewarding job of keeping our Altar Servers Alb’s fit for the important job they do for us.  If you can’t contact David Hoad – who teachers them, then call or see Annette who helps us with the “Children’s Liturgy”.  Tel: 849732, thank you in anticipation.