So much good food was displayed around the altar, as we came into Mass Sunday morning we could see predominately big yellow sunflowers. The shelves were filled with tins and packages that were given to our local Food Bank. The theme of course for “CAFOD” was the Environment and Saving our Planet. Sophie showed us a 3D picture she had made of all the countries that need our help and CAFOD supplies what they really need. A big thank you must go to Teresa who organised the children and all the many Harvest Goods which were sold outside church after Mass, and raised a record £210. plus the £65.50 from the harvest collection basket. Our thanks go out to Gerry also, who organised us and the children. Several people came forward to carry the harvest produce from Altar to Table were it was sold. Fr Kieran stepped in to say mass as Fr Rory was celebrating with St George’s for their “Life and Faith” Celebration. From the banter over a cup of tea in the hall afterwards, I think Fr Kieran enjoyed our harvest festival and we were pleased to have him.