Fr Rory Writes

Responsibility:  is always part and parcel of life.  The decision to raise the lockdown makes it very important to do our best to stay safe.  The chances of the numbers of cases of covid rising is quite certain to happen.  Continuing to wear masks when needed, and other practical ways of being cautious and careful are important.

It also presents us with an important opportunity to truly value and express our faith as communities, that we are grateful to God for the great gift that our faith brings to us.  All through the pandemic I can honestly say that there was something very special about saying mass.  When it came to the sign of peace I sensed a real depth of peace to be experienced then in the church.  In great contrast with the affliction and injury that was happening in the wider world, “My peace I give you”, greater than any peace the world can bring.  Please God, we continue to gather to experience that peace and to bring it to the world we live in.

Last Sunday we had a very valuable profound prayer as part of the Prayers of the Faithful:-

“We ask you Lord to guide us, so that we can improve communication within our own parish and help us to recognise opportunities to assist in working towards re-socialisation, friendship, providing comfort and creating safe spaces within a framework of Faith.  We need to all work together to achieve our goals.  Please give us your Grace and humility to succeed.  The Lord Hear Us”.

We have frequently been blessed by the prayers of the faithful that are prepared by fellow parishioners on our behalf.

Celebrations to take place on Sunday 15th August (The Assumption of Our Blessed Lady).  Refreshments will be served after and a tombola to help raise funds, donations of bottles and any unwanted gifts that are in pristine condition would be greatly appreciated.