The Twelfth Station: Jesus ascends into heaven to return at the end of time.
When the day of Pentecost came … the disciples were waiting. It was after the crucifixion when word of the resurrection started spreading. Some of the disciples had witnessed the ascension, but the disturbance caused by the crucifixion was the predominant factor, and fear was part of the environment. We started with the way of the cross for Lent, with the current fear of the virus very real.
We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you for you rose from the dead and have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us.
Jesus promises the coming of the Holy Spirit to help and inspire the disciples in their work.
And then they actually see and witness Jesus ascending into heaven.
Two angels are there to remind us that he has not gone for good but will be back.
Help us Jesus to await your return with faith and eagerness, and to look forward to our own resurrection on the last day.
Alleluia, Alleluia
Give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, Alleluia
Give praise to his name.
The Thirteenth Station: Mary and the apostles pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
So from the Mount of Olives they went back to Jerusalem and when they reached the city they went to the upper room. In the newsletter last week was a point of focus for all of us; St George’s and St Wilfrid’s Churches – two communities, one parish. As we move out of lockdown and look forward to the future, we can anticipate sharing events and news more often.
We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you for you rose from the dead and have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us.
The apostles prayed together for nine whole days with Mary and several other women, whilst waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus please help us to remember the effects of common prayer,
and to use it, not only for our own good, but especially for the Peace and wellbeing of the whole world.
Alleluia, Alleluia
Give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, Alleluia
Give praise to his name.
The Fourteenth Station: Jesus sends the promised Holy Spirit upon Mary and the apostles.
When Pentecost day came round they had all met together, when suddenly came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind, which filled the entire room. When I was in the seminary a phenomena called “charismatic renewal” was in the air, the life in the spirit seminars began to develop. One of the phenomena most spoken about was “speaking in tongues”. I was occasionally involved, certainly witness to “praying in tongues”. Through the years I have from time to time found this to be very helpful, especially when in the church praying on my own. The early accounts add to this; they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak different languages as the Holy Spirit give them the power to express themselves.
We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you for you rose from the dead and have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us.
This extraordinary Spirit empowered Peter – previously unreliable – clearly to confirm and proclaim Jesus’ Resurrection to the great crowd; and the Spirit empowered every listener to understand in his or her own language.
Come Holy Spirit, come to us, and strengthen our faith. May we, with your help, spread our faith to our neighbours. Jesus help us to remember that it is through your Resurrection that we have the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us throughout our daily lives. Lord Jesus we thank you for such a wonderful miracle.
Alleluia, Alleluia
Give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, Alleluia
Give praise to his name