

It’s now two thousand and twenty one ,we know the virus still hasn’t  gone 

But nearly a year has passed us by, we cope with it all with a great big sigh 

We wear our masks and stay at home, even though we would love to roam 

Keeping to rules and keeping apart sometimes it feels it will break your heart

But progress is happening, that’s really fab! Vaccines on offer so go for you’re jab!

We look to the future with positive air, and bless NH staff who give us such care 

We will not be beaten, we’ll stay really, really brave, clearing out cupboards (what shall we save!)

Contact each other by email and phone, so nobody feels that they are alone 

Lockdown is staying, no doubt about that, lazing around we might put on fat! 

But what does it matter with friends all around, looking out for each other with feet on the ground               By Ross