Deacon John Writes

In last Sunday’s gospel about the Baptism of Jesus, we hear that a voice from heaven says ‘You are my son, the Beloved”. These words should remind us of one of the most important truths in the whole of the Christian message. In the words of Saint Augustine: “God loves each and every one of us”. 

William Barclay summed this up when he wrote: “The gospels tell us of the width of the love of God. It was the world that God so loved. It was not a nation, it was not the good people, it was not only the people who loved him, it was the world. The unlovable and the unlovely, the lonely who have no one else to love them, the person who loves God, and the person who never thinks of God, the person who rests in the love of God, and the person who spurns it, all are included in the vast inclusive love of God.”

Tessa and I wish to say a sincere thank you for the cards and gifts received this Christmas and New Year. We wish you all a Happy 2021. May you keep safe and you and your family keep well.. We are sure that we all hope that it will be a better year than 2020. God bless you all. 

With our love and prayers. DJ & T