Deacon John Writes

The readings for the fourth Sunday of Advent concentrate on events leading up to the first coming of Jesus. The Gospel, in particular, relates the key role of Mary. It is full of surprises as are the other readings.  

The first reading surprises us by telling of God’s promise to David that he would have a long line of royal descendants culminating in a final King, Jesus Christ. In the Responsorial Psalm the Psalmist recalls all of God’s promises and surprises us, describing God’s promise to David and his descendants in terms of a Covenant.

The second reading surprises us with Paul’s explanation of the unveiling of God’s plan for our salvation through Jesus. 

In the Gospel, the Angel Gabriel surprises Mary with seven announcements. 

1) Even as a virgin betrothed to Joseph, she will become a mother. 

2) She will become a mother through “the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the Power of the Most High will overshadow you.” 

3) The angel continues, “Therefore, the Child to be born will be called Holy, the Son of God.”

4) She is to “name the child Jesus,” which means Saviour. 

5) God will make Him a King and, as a descendant in the line of David, 

6) “He will rule over the House of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end.”

7) As a Divine sign, Elizabeth, Mary’s aged barren cousin is six months pregnant, “for,” says Gabriel, “nothing shall be impossible with God!

The Gospel also surprises us by reminding us that God’s promise is best fulfilled not in buildings, or even in great kings like Solomon, but rather in humble souls like Mary who trusted in God’s promise. We must learn and understand that we are not here to do things for God, but to reflect and build on what God is doing for, and through us. That is our task for this week!