Deacon John Writes

In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives a list of lame excuses from the invited guests which they used as reasons for not attending.

The Toronto Star invited teachers to submit excuses they had received from their students as part of a competition. They received these examples: A student explaining why he was late: “I was kidnapped by aliens and interrogated for three hours.” Another student, telling why he had failed to turn in his essay: “The bus driver read it and liked it so much he kept it to show to his passengers.” Another: “I got mugged on the way to school. I offered him my money, my watch, and my penknife but all he wanted was my essay.” Mike, a 14-year old, came up with a “watertight” excuse for arriving at school an hour late with his pants soaked to the knees: “I was just about to board the bus when I found I’d lost my ticket. Since it would take too long to walk to school, I hopped a fence onto a golf course. I headed for a creek that criss-crossed several fairways until I found a likely spot for lost balls. Retrieving three balls from their watery graves, I then made for the clubhouse where I sold the balls for bus fare! And that’s why I’m late.” Mike’s entry won.

We have all been given our wedding garment through our Baptism.We need to keep wearing the wedding garment of holiness. This means we must do good for all the people we know and meet in our everyday lives. We are helped in our efforts through the graces which receive through the other Sacraments. When we attend Mass either through live streaming or in Church and receive Holy Communion we are strengthened in our lives. Our personal prayers at any time of day or night help us to recharge our own spiritual batteries and guide us in our efforts of doing good for those we meet. Listening to God’s Word when we hear the readings nourishes us and help us in our actions. 

Yes, we have all been given our wedding garment ready for the banquet waiting for us in heaven so we must take care to wear it at all times in preparation for the event. Just remember that we do not have automatic entry. We can, however, succeed through our actions.