The Triduum

The Triduum- three of the most Holy days- Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Holy Thursday is a glorious Feast Day on which we celebrate the Eucharist, express our gratitude for our ministries and is the day for foot washing. Of course foot washing is only the start. There are other similar examples in the scriptures: how Jesus cried on hearing of the death of his friend Lazarus, how he blessed children when tired, how he witnessed forgiveness in everyday life. in the Gospel for today Jesus said “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should do also.” Let us remember this as we manage our lives in this present time of our struggle with our daily lives and try to become a living Eucharist so as to be like him, making our lives a gift, grace and blessing.

Why do we call Good Friday Good, after all it is the day Jesus was treated as a criminal and tortured and crucified. It has been called Good Friday for centuries. Possibly it was originally called God’s Friday implying that it was a very sacred day. It may have been given the name Good as the crucifixion led to the resurrection and salvation of the world. A Scripture professor said “When we look at Jesus hanging on the cross we should say not only ‘Look how much he suffered’, but, more importantly, ‘Look how much he loved.’” We should surely be asking ourselves every day, not just on Good Friday, how we can make this day good through my Christ-like love for others?

On Holy Saturday we hear that those who followed Jesus became fearful after the loss of their friend and teacher through the crucifixion. Much of that fear is surrounding us today as we think about the virus that is in our world at present. It is a negative influence on our lives as we forget that we have the risen Christ to help us endure whatever comes our way. He is “hiding in plain sight”, waiting for us to look for him. He is always there. We have only to turn our heads to find him standing next to us, bringing peace to all who seek him. The next day, Easter Sunday, we know that Jesus is risen and he has conquered sin and death for ever. So my message for Easter is that whatever trial may be afflicting you, be assured Jesus is risen! It is not fake news, it is the real news, and it is Good News!

May God give you gladness by his blessing. May he make you heirs to an eternal inheritance. May the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit come down on you all and remain with you for ever.

Fr Rory and Deacon John