Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update:   The Diocese has issued revised guidelines to every parish. These include: 

(a) Asking anyone with cold or flu symptoms not to attend Mass. 

(b) Advising the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, those with long-term conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart  disease, to stay at home. 

(c)         Not to pass the collection plate around.

What we will do locally is to have the collection basket in the porch and ask you to place your offering in it on the way out.   If you would prefer to make your offerings by monthly bankers order or by online banking, then this would greatly help us, as our volunteer cashiers would have less money to count and bank.   The bank details for St Wilfrid’s are: HSBC: Sort Code: 40 05 20, Account Number: 61077023,  St George’s Sort Code: 40 05 20, Account Number:  51077090.