Deacon John Writes:
Recently, in a series of writings by Fr Barry Anderson, he described how a prayer by Frank Topping helped him. It is a prayer on the theme of sheep and shepherd. Frank Topping said: ”Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that I am known to God, that the Good Shepherd knows my name, and, more, sees my distress, knows my doubts, hears my questions. It is at times like these that I use the following prayer:
“Good Shepherd, when the events of my life worry, disturb, or even frighten me, when anxiety makes it difficult to think straight, let me hear your voice. Lead me beside the still waters of your peace. Remind me that even in the presence of those I might call enemies, you are with me. Be with me throughout this day, and all the days of my life.” I hope that this prayer may prove helpful to you if a similar occasion occurs in your life and you feel the need for some help. With my love and prayers for you all.