Fr Rory Writes

The Fifth Station:  Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross”.

So often I say two things:  The consolation that this station brings to Jesus, the help that is given to Him is also a great consolation for us.  On the way of the cross at the Second Station where I pondered that I knew “I should do better”, giving way to the forgiveness that Jesus brings.  Now the realisation “we can all do better”.  After the lockdown when we will return to “the life of the church”, then we will genuinely seek to do better.  This involves us believing and sharing together in a life of faith with the fruits of this in our experiencing what was the outcome for the early Christian community – “see how they love one another”.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father

The Sixth Station:  Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

Last week Deacon John presented us with the dramatic story presented on the internet by Dr Peggy Hartshom, about a women who glimpsed the mystery of her unborn child.  Circumstances had brought about this dramatic encounter.  She was amazed to see the perfectly formed boy, the tiny legs and arms moving in her womb.  All of a sudden, Dr Hartshom’s assistant said, “reach out and take your baby’s hand”.  The women raised her hand and touched the monitor.  As if by some divine cue, the baby stretched out his arm to the exact place on his mom’s hand.  On the screen his tiny fingers met hers.  The women underwent a transformation and kept her baby.  Surely we recognise that there is a mystery inside each one of us – the mystery of the image of God.  We see this in a very special way when His sacred face was revealed to her “Veronica wipes the face of Jesus”.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father

The Seventh Station:  Jesus falls a Second Time.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.

Back down to earth with a bang.  The seventh station often has this reference to our lives.  Following moments of grace is a reality in life that very often we are again confronted with the ordinary, the normal, the difficulties of life.  On the horizon now is the most special season of Holy Week.  Please God, this is coinsiding with our thoughts of returning to church.  This has been helped by the roll out of vaccines, and while very much to be welcomed alongside the return of our children to school, this highlights the circumstances that we are living under and that there may be a spike in the number of people catching it.  So again; Firstly, it is good to be back, and welcome.  So as parish priest that is to all our parishioners.  Secondly, the great necessity to adhere to the guidelines for the safeguarding of our services.  So it will be essential for all to apply through the Parish Office to book a place at Masses during Holy Week.   We may have to have a draw for places, because stewarding is an essential requirement and I am responsible for this.  Just as Jesus, because he is human, again falls under the weight of the cross.  So the weight of the cross has been heavy in our journey. 

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father