Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

This time of the year has its share of highlights.  Beginning with All Saints and All Souls, and now on the horizon is the Great Feast of Christ the King.  It is also the Sunday of Youth-Gather, and even though it is a long time since I participated, from early memories of my priesthood I remember this event with affection.  So I am sure it is one of the many events like our Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes, which makes up for good life in our Diocese.  Bishop Richard has his plan for 2030, and part of it is developing a life of prayer.

So just over the horizon is Advent and Christmas.  Each year in preparation for Advent and Lent there is a booklet “Walk with Me”, which gives appropriate reflections and prayers in preparation to celebrate these great events.  At £1 a copy this is very good value indeed.

Again, it is time for those who may be enquiring, “how do I become a Catholic?”, to step forward and find out.  You are very welcome.